F A C T O R Y  S E T T I N G S

H2No è il nuovo progetto
 Oneiric productions:
la cantante che non esiste

Factory Settings” è l’album di debutto di H2No, progetto nato negli studi di registrazione bolognesi della Oneiric Productions.
La label/factory è conosciuta per essere la residenza artistica degli Oblomov, ma sono molti gli artisti e i creativi che ne alimentano le idee, in un via vai un po’ anarchico che spesso dà vita a nuove visioni e progetti. E sono molte anche le teste coinvolte nella stesura di questi dieci brani che, traendo linfa dai diversi musicisti, assume connotati cangianti tra lo stoner e la psichedelia, un “dream rock” con un’indubbia connotazione vintage nonostante la voce solista sia totalmente digitale.

Beware of me… I byte

Sebbene si sia cercato di donarle un certo calore umano, la voce di H2No è interamente programmata via software. Chitarre, basso, batteria e synth sono stati registrati da musicisti diversi in momenti diversi agli Oneiric Studios di Bologna, ma in questo caso si è cercato di mantenere un’attitudine “plug’n’play”. 

la cantante che non esiste.

< Factory settings >

In esclusiva su Bandcamp dal 30 Dicembre 2022



#1 – I have not been

from childhood’s hour i have not been as others were
i have not seen as others saw
i could not bring my passions from a common spring
from the same source i’ve not taken
my sorrow i could not awaken
my heart to joy at the same tone and all i loved i loved alone
then in my childhood, in the dawn
of a most stormy life was drawn
from every depth of good and ill
the mystery which binds me still
in its autumn tint of gold…
and the clouds that took the form
when the rest of heaven was blue
a demon in my view

#2 – Velvet soft

velvet soft the night, star glowed over the road
velvet soft, starry so starry
blossoms in the glade
softly as he went, purple grapes of pan
up the caves of pure cold breath
down the deep of foul hot death
earlier his soul came to that torn hill
once to rave, once to revel,
to bow before the devil
once the devil…
once to kiss, kiss the goat of hell once to dance
dance the aspen dance the aspen springs
once to croak once to sing
hush my child and come aloft where the stars are velvet soft

#3 – Heaven smells of rust

my room and this distance awake upon the darkening land
surging resonance full of murmuring
where i stir in my sleep

i should release my silver vibrations
they live below

and whatever strays into things
will seek the light that falls without end

falling in the old abyss down deep
heaven smells of rust

i am a string stretched across
deep surging resonance
all things are violent
violent but fair

a trick is to prepare

#4 – A strange apocalypse

when i found the courage
to lastly open my eyes
waiting for a paradox
fearing a lunar eclipse


my lips

old scripts

i witnessed

i witnessed a strange apocalypse

#5 – Under the floor

hey father death, i’m flying home
hey poor man, sad man
you’re all alone

flying home

old sister death, don’t hide your bones
old uncle death i hear your groans

all children deaths now
breathe your breaths, tears will take the rest

pain is gone

genius death your art is done
lover death your body’s gone
father death i’m coming home
guru death your words are true

i thank you

#6 – Kubla Khan

in xanadu did kubla khan
a stately pleasure dome decree
where alph the sacred river ran
through caverns measureless to man

down to a sunless sea

so twice five miles of fertile ground
the shadow of the dome of pleasure

it was a miracle of rare device
a sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice
and all who heard should see them there
and all should cry

ancestral voices prophesize wars

and close your eyes with holy dread
for he on honeydew hath fed
and drunk the milk of paradise

#7 – Empathy box

don’t try to solve serious matters
in the middle of the night

i won’t tell no one

once they notice you they never close the file
whom the gods notice, they destroy

we all make mistakes

don’t try to solve serious matters
in the middle of the night, never

we all make mistakes

#8 – Ultracrepidarian

< unintelligible >

#9 – End of a mind

that you are doomed by your dreaming is just a fucked up lie…
yes, you are doomed by your wishes
none of them you can buy
too many things that you need, you crave
make you suffer in daydreams

between horror and frenzy, they won’t give you a crown
megalomania is for those who were born in the clouds
and you were not, they…

…they go up in flames with a scream and
shatter the glass wall, they parachute down
into the parks and watch us passing by
dropping on our heads stone tablets with

meaningless messages

religious fanatics harangue
fate slowly builds her mute countenance
springs there like a gasp of warning
like a constellation our destiny
casts its nightly spell
nightly spell on all of us

phantoms floating on all of us

#10 – These dreadful souls

so for the world is weary i
these dreadful souls of sense lay by
i sacrifice these impure shoon
to the cold ray of the waning moon

i take the forked hazel staff
and the rose of no terrene graff
and the lamp of no olive oil
with heart’s blood that alone may boil

with naked breast and feet unshod
i follow the wizard way to god

wherever he leads my foot shall follow
over the height, into the hollow

for in me is the taint of fairy blood
fast, fast its emerald flood
leaps within me violent rude
like a bestial faun’s beatitude
in me the fairy blood runs hard
my sires were druids, devils, bards

a beast, a wizard, a snake, a satyr
for as my mother said:

“what does it matter?”